Bremen: Auseinandersetzung zwischen einem Syrer und einem Palästinenser

Am vergangenen Samstagabend gerieten zwei Personen in der Nordwestbahn auf der Fahrt von Bremen-Vegesack zum Hauptbahnhof Bremen in eine verbale Auseinandersetzung, die in eine Schlägerei endete. Als die Bahn im Hauptbahnhof Bremen hielt verlagerte sich die Schlägerei auf den Bahnsteig 5/6, wo dann der 24-jährige Syrer ein Messer zog und den 25-Jährigen damit oberflächliche Schnittverletzungen [...]

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Christina Baum: Renationalisierung als Lösung für sichere Arzneimittel

Berlin, 27.05.2024. Die Arzneimittelkontrollen in China stehen vor großen Herausforderungen. Berichte über unzureichende Kontrollen und mangelhafte Qualitätssicherung werfen ernsthafte Bedenken hinsichtlich der Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit von Arzneimitteln auf, die in China hergestellt und weltweit vertrieben werden. Diese Entwicklungen alarmieren nicht nur die Gesundheitsbehörden, sondern auch die Pharmabranche in Europa und darüber hinaus. In den letzten [...]

Der Beitrag Christina Baum: Renationalisierung als Lösung für sichere Arzneimittel erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

A Call for Unity

I’ve always considered myself a Libertarian, because I believe in individual liberty and minimal government. But I am a huge supporter of Trump, because I recognize he poses a significant threat to the establishment that we want to dismantle. Trump is not part of the duopoly. Libertarians need to understand that MAGA is an entirely different faction within the GOP. It’s essentially a different party, using the GOP as a vessel to the White House, and it works. It works far better than being a 3rd party and getting nowhere.

Former Pentagon Analyst Maj. (Ret.) Stephen Coughlin: Exposing the Leftist Strategy to Destroy America and Erase Our Identities (Video)

In a compelling interview conducted by Sam Dubé and the RAIR Foundation, Maj. (Ret.) Stephen C. Coughlin, an American lawyer and former Joint Chiefs of Staff intelligence analyst, unveiled the intricate strategies employed by leftist movements aimed at dismantling America’s foundational principles and societal structures. His revelations shed light on how Maoist mass-line narrative attacks […]

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New Lawsuit Against “Reparations”

Judicial Watch Sues for Emails of Fauci Advisor on Non-Government Account Judicial Watch Files Class Action Lawsuit over Reparations in Evanston, Illinois Judicial Watch Asks Minnesota Supreme Court to Allow Taxpayer Lawsuit over Racially Discriminatory Minneapolis Teachers’ Contract to Proceed to Trial Trump Trial: The Prosecution Rests, Lawfare at Court, Where’s the Crime? Memorial Day […]

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Chicago suburb faces federal class action over reparations program

From Courthouse News:  Six people filed a federal class action against the Chicago suburb of Evanston on Wednesday, hoping to scrap the racial component of a local program meant to address historic racial injustice. The Restorative Housing Program is an Evanston initiative to compensate Black residents for housing discrimination they or their ancestors may have faced […]

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‘This Is Very Illegal’: Experts Say Fauci’s Top Aide Likely Broke The Law By Deleting Emails, Using Private Account

From The Daily Caller: A top advisor for former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Anthony Fauci may have illegally taken actions to avoid records requests, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation. David Morens, a former senior adviser to Fauci, both deleted emails to evade Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests […]

The post ‘This Is Very Illegal’: Experts Say Fauci’s Top Aide Likely Broke The Law By Deleting Emails, Using Private Account appeared first on Judicial Watch.