Christian Escapes Sharia: Islamic State Survivor Ruth Robert’s Pro-Life Crusade and Warning to Canada (Exclusive Interview)

"They [Muslims] come into a Western country like Canada, claiming Islam is a religion of peace, but this is often a strategic move to gain influence. They have many, many children, and bring in more family members. Meanwhile, we in Canada contracept and abort our children, leading to a decline in our population. Eventually, we will be massively outnumbered." - Ruth Robert on Islam's strategy in Western countries

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Rottweil: Drei maskierte Männer überfallen Wettbüro

Am vergangenen Montag wurde das Wettbüro in der  Hochbrücktorstraße von drei unbekannten und maskierten Männern überfallen worden. Gegen 22:40 Uhr betraten die Unbekannten den Verkaufsraum, ein Mann hielt den Mitarbeiter des Wettbüros fest, ein weiterer Mann nahm die ganze Kasse an sich und anschließend flüchteten alle in die Badgasse und Hauptstraße bis hin zur Brücke [...]

Der Beitrag Rottweil: Drei maskierte Männer überfallen Wettbüro erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

This is What the Uncensored Eurovision Song About Israeli Hostages Sounds Like

On Saturday evening, Israeli singer Eden Golan performed the uncensored version of her Eurovision Song Contest entry for the first time. Golan sang her song “October Rain” at a Tel Aviv rally held weekly in support of a deal to release the hostages held in Gaza by Islamic terrorists. The song “October Rain” is about […]

The post This is What the Uncensored Eurovision Song About Israeli Hostages Sounds Like appeared first on RAIR.

Minnesota’s “Increase Teachers of Color Act” will Devote Millions to Help Only Racial Minorities

Minnesota may soon pass a discriminatory law called “Increase Teachers of Color Act” that will dedicate millions of dollars to programs that only racial minorities can benefit from. The goal, according to legislators in the nation’s 12th-largest state, is to improve diversity in schools by increasing the number of teachers of color throughout Minnesota with […]

The post Minnesota’s “Increase Teachers of Color Act” will Devote Millions to Help Only Racial Minorities appeared first on Judicial Watch.