Duisburg: 18-jähriger Libanese verletzt drei Jugendliche mit Messer

Am Sonntagabend ereignete sich in Duisburg eine brutale Auseinandersetzung nahe dem Hauptbahnhof. Demnach kam es gegen 21 Uhr zu einem heftigen Streit zwischen zwei Personengruppen in der Averdunk-Passage in der Königstraße. Mindestens zehn Menschen waren daran beteiligt, und offenbar zückte ein 18-jähriger Libanese ein Messer. Die Polizei und der Rettungsdienst eilten mit einem Großaufgebot zum [...]

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Ludwigshafen: Zwei Jugendliche schlagen, treten und rauben 20-Jährigen aus

Letzte Woche Montag wurde ein junger Mann von zwei ihm unbekannten Personen am Bahnhof geschlagen, getreten und anschließend ausgeraubt. Demnach sprachen die zwei Jugendlichen den 20-Jährigen an und sprühten ihn zeitgleich Pfefferspray ins Gesicht. Das Opfer wollte flüchten, doch die zwei Unbekannten holten ihn ein. Sie schlugen und treten auf den Mann ein, woraufhin er [...]

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U.S. Government’s Negligent Security Alert for ‘LGBTQI+ Pride Month’ Fails to Address the Real Threat: Islam

The U.S. State Department, Homeland Security, and FBI's, security alert for LGBTQI+ Pride events deliberately omits naming Islam as a threat, endangering U.S. citizens and sexual minorities by merely checking a box instead of genuinely prioritizing their safety.

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Trump Trial: The Prosecution Rests, Lawfare at Court, Where’s the Crime?

The Trump prosecution rested its case Monday with a central question unanswered: where’s the crime? Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has been dancing around the question for months. The prosecution produced a cacophony of tawdry testimony from a porn star (Stormy Daniels) and a former Trump aide turned convicted felon turned cooperating witness (Michael Cohen) […]

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Judicial Watch Sues California to Remove Ineligible Registrants from Voter Rolls

From Breitbart: Judicial Watch, the watchdog organization, is suing California election officials to force them to remove ineligible and inactive registrants from the state’s voter rolls. The lawsuit, filed this month, urges the court to force California Secretary of State Shirley Weber (D) to abide by the voter list maintenance requirements included in the National Voter Registration […]

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Tom Fitton: ‘Caution’ Letter Proves Judge Merchan’s Ethics Violation

From PJ Media: The judge now infamous for his role in the politically charged New York case against Donald Trump reportedly received an official “caution” for his ethics violation. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton cited the as-yet-unreleased caution letter to Judge Juan Merchan as proof of the latter’s ethical failure. While a sitting judge, Merchan […]

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Biden’s executive privilege over Hur audio, but not transcript, draws scrutiny

From the Washington Examiner President Joe Biden‘s assertion of executive privilege over special counsel Robert Hur’s audio recording of their classified documents interview sparked criticism from Republicans and legal experts after the president previously waived his privilege of the interview transcript. A few hours before the House Judiciary Committee‘s hearing to hold Attorney General Merrick […]

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