Aktuelle Zahlen zeigen das unfassbare Ausmaß der Ausnutzung unseres Sozialstaats: Sozialleistungen an Ausländer kosteten unserem Land seit dem Jahr 2010 sage und schreibe 152,7 Milliarden Euro! Das ergab eine Anfrage des AfD-Bundestagsabgeordneten René…
Ashura in Kashmir: Celebrations Marked by Hatred for Israel, Provocation Towards Hindus, and a Reminder of the Islamic Takeover (Video)
The observance of Muharram in 2024 highlights the ongoing Islamic takeover, marked by heightened sectarian violence, extremist displays, and the persistent threat to societal harmony, particularly in regions like Kashmir where non-Muslims face relentless persecution and cultural erasure.
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Brian’s Meme of the Week:
A new feature I’m adding to the Substack!
‘Submit to Allah Infidels’: Deadly Islamic Threats Target Paris Church, Mary Knifed in Throat
Archbishop Lefebvre’s prophetic warning to the French to ask the government to stop Islam, based on his belief that the two religions could not coexist, resulted in persecution, yet his prescient message now resonates as a glaring reality in France today.
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Sharia Michigan: Islamic Supremacists Seize Control of the Streets in Dearborn for Ashura (Video)
The event led by Imam Husham Al-Husainy, an Iranian government mouthpiece, has sparked significant concerns due to his inflammatory rhetoric, dangerous affiliations, hostility towards America, and support for Sharia.
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How the CIA creates Lone Gunmen through the MK Ultra Program
The CIA is capable of creating lone gunman in three to six weeks with a trained therapist and hypnotherapy.
Who’s Responsible?
The way I see it, the Deep State are responsible for this no matter how you slice it. Either it was treasonous negligence and violent media-driven rhetoric pushed the kid over the edge, or the Deep State carried out the act themselves. Either way, they are complicit.
Will Trump Unite The Country Tomorrow Night With An Epic RNC Speech?
I Believe He Will. And That Prospect Has All The Right People TERRIFIED
Geheim-Gespräche zwischen Habeck und Merz: CDU will Katastrophen-Koalition mit den Grünen!
Es war die ganze Zeit absehbar: In Geheimgesprächen mit Robert Habeck plant CDU-Chef Merz offenbar bereits eine Koalition mit den Grünen! Welche verheerenden Konsequenzen dies für Deutschland nach sich ziehen würde, liegt auf der Hand: […]
The post G…
Bonn: Messerattacke am Busbahnhof
Am Dienstagnachmittag (16. Juli 2024) kam es an einem Busbahnhof in Bonn zu einem Messer-Angriff. Dabei wurden ein 41-Jähriger und sein 40-jähriger Begleiter verletzt. Der 24-jährige Täter flüchtete zunächst, konnte dann jedoch vorläufig festgenommen w…