Gericht bestätigt wesentliche Kritik an Arbeit des BfV – Revision angekündigt

Berlin, 13.05.2024. Das Oberverwaltungsgericht in Münster hat die Berufung gegen die Hochstufung der AfD durch das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) nach sehr kurzer Verhandlung abgelehnt. In der mündlichen Urteilsbegründung bekräftigte der Senatsvorsitzende jedoch mehrere Kritikpunkte an der Arbeit des BfV und betonte, dass der hier bejahte „Verdacht“ eben nur ein Verdacht sei, der keinesfalls – [...]

Der Beitrag Gericht bestätigt wesentliche Kritik an Arbeit des BfV – Revision angekündigt erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

China Converts Mosque into Dance Hall: Fighting to De-Islamize the Country

China is actively pursuing a robust de-Islamization policy, leading to the demolition of numerous mosques and the conversion of some into dance halls. A circulating video depicts this transformation on social media. China: A mosque has been converted into a dance hall. “China considers lsIam as mental illness.” — Azat Alsalem (@AzzatAlsaalem) May 8, […]

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Australian Judge Slams Police for Using ‘Unlawful Violence’ Against Covid Protesters

Charges may be levelled against police for their brutality in aid of Covid mandates. In what is a most welcome yet surprising turn of events, an Australian Judge has reacted in much the same way as the public did world-wide when viewing videos and photos of the immense brutality of Australian Police when enforcing the […]

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Clash of Civilizations: Spain’s Santiago Abascal on the Incompatibility of Islam and Western Society (Video)

On May 10, 2024, Santiago Abascal, the leader of Spain’s conservative Vox Party, released a video articulating his party’s view that Islam poses a threat and is fundamentally incompatible with Spanish society. The outspoken leader declared, “Incompatible ways of life cannot coexist in the same neighborhood without causing enormous damage. Islam is incompatible with the […]

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NEW Lawsuit to Clean Dirty Voter Rolls

Fani Willis Fails to Answer Lawsuit – Judicial Watch Seeks Default Judgment Judicial Watch Sues California to Force Clean-Up of Voting Rolls Voicemail Shows FBI/Secret Service Coordination on Trump Raid     Fani Willis Fails to Answer Lawsuit – Judicial Watch Seeks Default Judgment Is the Georgia DA trying to hide something or is she […]

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