Jordanian Illegal Alien who Tried to Breach Military Base Released Despite Being on Terror Watchlist

Though the Biden administration has publicly denied it, one of the Jordanian illegal immigrants released from federal custody after being charged for trying to breach a U.S. military base appears on a terror watch list, according to records obtained by Judicial Watch. The men, 32-year-old Hasan Yousef Hamdan and 28-year-old Mohammad Khair Dabous, posted bail […]

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FOIA Requests Tied to Trump Shooting Denied

From Newsmax: The Secret Service has denied all three Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests seeking documents, videos and advance survey security assessments, among other items, related to the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, the Judicial Watch reports. The agency, citing Title 5 U.S.C. § 552(B)(7)(A), said “any potentially responsive records, if they […]

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Major Biden-Harris Mistake Gave Taliban $239 Million In U.S. Aid

From Townhall: A new report from Judicial Watch found that the U.S. mistakingly gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the Taliban after the State Department failed to properly vet award recipients. At least $239 million in taxpayer money has landed in the hands of terrorists since the Biden Administration’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. The […]

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Judicial Watch: Federal Court Hearing Set for August 6 in Ashli Babbitt $30M Wrongful Death Lawsuit

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that a hearing will be held on August 6 at 4 p.m. ET in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in the $30 million wrongful death lawsuit filed on behalf of the estate of Ashli Babbitt. (Judicial Watch has asked that the case be returned […]

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Waiblingen: Polizeibekannter Türke bedroht Bahnpassagiere mit Messer

Ein 50-jähriger Türke hat am Freitag (2. August 2024) im baden-württembergischen Waiblingen mehrere Bahnpassagiere mit einem Messer bedroht. Zunächst hatte der Täter eine Frau belästigt und wenig später fünf Jugendliche nach einem Joint gefragt. Als mehrere Zeugen eingriffen und den Täter zur Räson zu bringen versuchten, attackierte der Türke einen Mann und mehrere Jugendliche mit [...]

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