Red-Green Axis Exposed: US Flag Burns as Hamas Flags Fly in Times Square

America faces an insidious threat not from foreign terror groups but from a dangerous alliance within its borders. This alliance, known as the Red-Green Axis, sees radical left-wing and Islamic groups uniting against their common enemy—those who cherish freedom and democracy. This concept, articulated by Jim Simpson, highlights the convergence of Marxist and Islamic ideologies […]

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Berlin: Zwei Männer kurz hintereinander durch Schüsse verletzt

Am vergangenen Mittwoch (31. Juli 2024) hat sich ein 27-Jähriger wegen einer Schussverletzung in der Rettungsstelle eines Berliner Krankenhauses vorgestellt. Die Polizei entdeckte Einschusslöcher an jenem Pkw, mit welchem der Geschädigte ins Krankenhaus gelangt war. Wenig später informierte ein 34-Jähriger ebenfalls wegen einer Schussverletzung die Polizei, woraufhin er in ein Krankenhaus gebracht wurde. Ob beide [...]

Der Beitrag Berlin: Zwei Männer kurz hintereinander durch Schüsse verletzt erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

As AG Kamala Harris Defied Obama DOJ to Help Man Become Nation’s First Undocumented Lawyer

Years before her catastrophic failure as the Biden administration’s border czar, Vice President Kamala Harris helped an illegal alien become the nation’s first undocumented lawyer while she was California’s top law enforcement official. In a court brief filed during the illegal alien’s years-long legal battle to obtain a law license, then California Attorney General Harris […]

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Toronto Terror Plot: Father and Son Linked to the Islamic State Arrested with Weapons and Past Terror Charges

The arrests of Ahmed and Mostafa Eldidi starkly reveal that Islam remains a significant threat to the West, with authorities failing to identify prior terrorism charges and obscuring the true danger posed by jihad terror.

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Barcelona (Spain): Dutch Tourist Stabbed by Gang of Young Migrants in Beach Robbery Attempt

A Dutch tourist was stabbed this morning at around 5:30 AM on Somorrostro Beach, located on the Front Marítim of Barcelona, Catalonia. The tourist, approximately 30 years old, was attacked while trying to prevent the theft of his €700 Philipp Plein watch. The incident took place in a popular party and leisure area when a […]

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Latest Knife Attack by Syrian Exposes German State’s Efforts to Cover Up Violence by Migrants

On Tuesday evening, July 31, 2024, police officers arrested a 17-year-old Syrian man suspected of seriously injuring several people in a knife attack on Königstrasse. The incident occurred around 6:25 p.m. in a backyard when a group of five people got into an argument with the suspect and two other men. The reason for the […]

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‘It’s Good To Be Anti-Islam but Not Anti-Muslim’ (Video)

Thank you to the amazing Pat Condell, who released this video, “It’s Good To Be Anti-Islam,” over ten years ago. Condell is a renowned British writer, comedian, and outspoken atheist commentator known for his unapologetic views on religion, free speech, and politics. He gained significant attention for his YouTube videos, where he delivers monologues with […]

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